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What are the Best Dribble Moves in NBA 2K22?

As you've been playing through NBA 2K22, you've likely noticed your opposition using some unique dribble moves to get past you. If you are looking to get by your defenders with ease on the court, we've got the best dribble moves in NBA 2K22 right here.

1). Best dribble style – Quick

Most dribble moves feel similar to each other, but Quick seems to have the fastest animations out of all of them, making transitions relatively easier.

2). Best signature size-ups – D. Rose and C. Anthony

D. Rose and C. Anthony's signature size-ups feature animations that can confuse defenders and cause them to make mistakes, leaving you open for a clean shot.

3). Best signature combo – K. Irving

As of now, K. Irving's signature combo can be considered the perfect all-rounder. His style of keeping the ball close to the ground makes it harder for defenders to steal it, and you can also pull off more sudden movements.

4). Best size-up escape package – T. Young

T. Young's size-up escape package covers a lot of ground, and you can quickly find yourself in an open position to either make a decent pass or a clear shot.

5). Best moving crossover – S. Curry

If you're looking to make a jump shot after completing a crossover, then S. Curry will have the perfect set of moves for it. Players who would like to drive toward the rim while crossing over can check out G. Antetokounmpo or J. Tatum's movesets as well.

6). Best moving behind the back dribble – K. Leonard

The point of going behind the back is to protect the ball, but almost all of these moves sacrifice speed to pull the move off. Thankfully, the K. Leonard move protects the ball while keeping the same speed while driving, making it the easy choice of the bunch.

7). Best moving spins – J. Embiid

Moving spins should throw a defender off during a drive, but the defender can easily get back into position if they are too slow or unconvincing. J. Embiid's moving spin is both fast and convincing, making it hard for defenders to react correctly and letting players have clear shots or dunks.

8). Best moving hesitation – L. Doncic

L. Doncic has one of the better moving hesitation animations in the game, and the fact that he accelerates right after performing it makes it harder for defenders to catch him. K. Durant's moving hesitation can also be a close second, and whichever you like the best should be a decent fit for your setup.

9). Best moving stepbacks – C. Paul or K. Irving

Because moving stepbacks are used to transition into a Jumpshot, they should throw off the defender by appearing to continue forward and then quickly prepare to take a shot. The fastest of these is the C. Paul, who also has a very convincing fake at the beginning, making it the no-brainer choice. When it comes to faking out defenders, however, K. Irving's moving stepback can be a better pick since it creates more space between defenders before taking a shot.

For more related content, guides, and news, check U4GM's NBA 2K22 section. Or you can get the safe, fast, and cheap NBA 2K22 MT from here.

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